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My name is Kenzington "Kenzie" Elizabeth, and I'm a 3 year old Female from the Kent, Washington. I was born in Moses Lake, Washington. I am registered AKC Scottie, and have a great blood line for those of you studs wanting to know out there.
I've made a video in an attempt to get a date with Barney, the First Dog, and I looking forward to having you and others help me meet my HUNK of a Stud.
My brother and I love to travel all around the world. So far we have been to 10 countries, and 9 USA States. I love to see all the sights of the city and I love all the different ways to get around in the cities. I love it all. I can't wait for the driving trip in April 2007, when we will hit all of the USA we can in a month!
Some of my favorite things to do window shop, run on the treadmill, look out the window, squeek my toys, play tug of war, box with Cooper (my kitty brother), lick wet feet, make snow/grass/sand angels, talk, act, go for long walks and drives in the car, and taking naps. I live life to the fullest and enjoy every day.
I do love the lime light. So far I have been featured on ABC news (Good Morning America & 20/20), Fox news (Fox & Friends Early Edition), CNN news (this piece was shown around the world), and our local ABC channel Komo 4 (Local news at 4pm, 6pm, 11pm news, & NW Afternoon). I have also been featured on YouTube.com, Fido Friendly (Travel Magazine for canines) and the Clarion Ledger newspaper.
The thing I look forward to the most though is meeting Barney, taking a stroll on the "White House" lawn and rolling in the blades of grass. It would be so wonderful and magical. I hope it comes true, wish me luck!
If you want to find out more about me, visit Scottie Tails.
© 2007 Entire site is sole property of Boone & Kenzie AKA: ScottieTails.com
All Images and text contained within are the exclusive property of Boone & Kenzie.
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